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AutoCAD is a computer aided drafting and design program that isthe industry standard for a wide variety of 2D and 3D work. AutoCAD2008 features several improvements over previous versions but thecore functionality and workflows have remained consistent foryears. Users who have any of the more recent editions of thesoftware will find AutoCAD 2008 Essential Training to be a valuableresource. Instructor Jeff Bartels has taught and used AutoCAD for adecade and in this course he focuses on the difficult to masterconcepts that matter most to professional AutoCAD users. Exercisefiles accompany the course.
قیمت : قیمت کلیه محصولات را می توانید در فایل اکسل ( قابل دانلود ) ملاحظه نمائید
( محصول شماره 998)